Friday, September 10, 2010

Management Confessions.

Dear Readers,

Let me introduce myself. My name is.. well, you can call me Mr. Manager. You see, in this blog I will be posting my confessions about management. Everything what I think about Management. The things only my therapist or... a priest would normally hear. I hope you understand my will to be anonymous in this journey. Ok, actually I don’t care about my anonymity, I just think Mr. Manager is a cool nickname for a management blog. Don’t you think so? I hope you will enjoy this journey to the world of modern management with me.

The word confessions has 2 meaning in this blog. First one is my confessions about modern management. The second is the religion and culture meaning. In the modern world, especially in the America, we all live in the melting pot of different religions, cultures, sets of believes. You can work in one office with people from 10 different countries, 5 different religions (confessions), and 20 different backgrounds. With the enormous growth of global outscoring we also need to adopt new methods of managing people from all over the world, the army of online freelancers working from home. It can be challenging, especially for an organization which outscore a lot of business processes and work with a large amount of freelancers from different countries simultaneously.

I hope you will enjoy this journey with me and get a lot of food for thoughts about management in the modern world. Welcome to my management confessions!

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